Thursday, April 9, 2015

Lesson 10 - Wrap Up

Basic, Advanced & Common Core Correlations Discovery Exercise
1. When asked what my biggest discovery was, when working on this set of exercises, there's a huge part of me that wants to admit I've gotten quite spoiled, via Google and other basic avenues for research, but perhaps that might hold too much honesty. While it's true, I realized there are other methods for doing research, many of which I am still not quite familiar, but eager to learn. I am glad I took this Advanced coursework, so I could become reacquainted with the online resources that are rarely accessed in my day to day routine. It was, also, quite beneficial to dust off my gray cells by revisiting some of the resources I've used before, but not lately.

One of the most fun resources I researched, CAMIO, was the most difficult to find the results requested. Still, I truly enjoyed looking for the answers, while perusing the search results. I am hoping to go back to simply view all of the collections just to see what sort of treasures the collections hold. :)

2. I promote the online resources all the time when discussing certain things with patrons, friends, & family.  There are printouts & posters on the endcaps of the bookshelves, on windows, and near the computer island, to remind patrons the resources are available. I'm also going to try to host some special events (with Board approval, of course) that will provide some insight as to what each resource offers & how it can benefit patrons. 

It's one of my go-to places, though I should go there more often, it seems, just to keep myself familiar with each particular resource. In my experience, once a patron discovers the resources, they are thrilled to have access to them. :)

1 comment:

  1. I like the idea of using the fliers on endcaps and near the computers to promote the e-resources. Thank you so much for taking the challenge! I've enjoyed your posts,
